(UK) Iain


Wir haben Iain auf der Burgbaustelle in Burgliebenau kennen gelernt. Er war dort ein Volunteer, der für mehrere Wochen für Kost und Logis dort mit angepackt hat. Iain war der Profi im Wändeeinreißen und dafür als Ausgleich den Putzmörtel an anderer Stelle wieder an die Wand „meditiert“.

1. What is your favourite book from an author from your country?

I don’t read book at all. But famous writers are Enid Blyton, Mary Shelly and Roald Dahl. Maybe, you could find some nice books, to show the people. *haha*
2. Which song or which band do you like the most?:

Of course it is Pink Floyd


3. Which movie from your country is your favourite?

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It is a movie about underground gangsters, who make a chace after diamonds.


4. What is your favourite dish?

My favourite dish is toat in the hole (auf deutsch: Kröte im Loch). It is very british.


5. With which phrase could we surprise locals?

It is the word „woi“. It is some kind of youth language in the South West of Britain. It is a synonyme for happy/good/positive. A sentence could be: „You are looking woi tonight!“


6. Why should we travel to your country?

You shouldn’t, it is awful.

But let me think about the good sides of my town. You can do punting in Cambridge. It is stand-up-paddeling. We also have some very good drinking spots. There is the famous Cambridge University with some very nice colleges and the world famous library, but I’ve never seen it.